Azure Logic Apps Course Content Overview – Azure Logic Apps Create cross-environment parameters in Azure Logic Apps workflow Create a Http trigger-based workflow Creating a Logic App that showcases the use of all variable types Logic app workflow involves a string or JSON object created from multiple inputs of different data types Logic App – Insert data into On-Prem SQL Server Logic App workflow to retrieve data from SQL using a stored procedure Workflow triggered by recurrence that connects to on-premises file systems in Azure Logic Apps Logic App workflow for creating a file in SFTP with exception handling Create or join parallel branches using workflow actions in Azure Logic Apps Logic App workflow with a “For Each” loop that processes items sequentially Logic App workflow that retrieves JSON data from an HTTP request and converts it into a CSV format Create HTML table in Logic App workflow A Logic App workflow that uses Filter array, Select and Join actions JavaScript code inline in Azure Logic Apps workflow Batching (aggregating) messages using batch receive and batch sender in a Logic App Manage large messages in workflows by using chunking in Azure Logic Apps Azure Logic Apps workflow- Handle throttling problems (429 – “Too many requests” errors) Identify and resolve workflow failures in Azure Logic Apps Monitoring the health and performance of Azure Logic Apps workflows An overview of automating the deployment of Azure Logic Apps using Azure Resource Manager templates Ensuring secure access and data protection for workflows in Azure Logic Apps Effective Planning and Management of Costs for Azure Logic Apps Encoding and decoding flat files in Azure Logic Apps workflows using Text and XML formats Testing workflows with mock outputs in Azure Logic Apps Delay and Delay until action in Azure Logic Apps Invoke REST API endpoints within workflows using Azure Logic Apps Use Liquid templates as maps in workflows to transform JSON to JSON/TEXT and XML to JSON/TEXT in Azure Logic Apps Manage Azure resources and monitor expenses by creating automated tasks