Manage large messages in workflows by using chunking in Azure Logic Apps

Handling large messages in Azure Logic Apps using chunking is a great way to manage and process large data efficiently. Chunking breaks down large messages into smaller, manageable pieces, which are then processed individually.

Key Concepts

  1. Chunking:
    • Splits large messages into smaller, manageable chunks.
    • Each chunk is processed individually.
  2. Size Limitations:
    • HTTP Action: 100 MB (for sending and receiving messages).
    • Logic App Payload: 100 MB (for the entire workflow).
  3. Chunking Workflow:
    • Split the large message into chunks.
    • Process each chunk individually.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Create a Logic App

  1. Go to the Azure portal.
  2. Click on Create a resource > Integration > Logic App.
  3. Provide a name, subscription, resource group, and location for your Logic App.
  4. Click Review + create and then Create.

Step 2: Add a Trigger

  1. Open your Logic App in the designer.
  2. Add a trigger to start the workflow (e.g., HTTP Request or Recurrence).

Step 3: Split the Large Message into Chunks

  1. Add a Compose action to define the large message (e.g., a JSON array or XML data).
  2. Add a For Each loop to iterate through the chunks:
    • Use the Split function to divide the large message into smaller chunks.
    • Example (for JSON array):
      • This splits the array into chunks of 100 items each.

Step 4: Process Each Chunk

  • Inside the For Each loop, add actions to process each chunk:
    • Use HTTP actions to send the chunk to an API.
    • Use Data Operations to transform the chunk.

Here's how Logic App should look:


Example Workflow


  • A large JSON array needs to be processed in chunks of 100 items each.
  • Each chunk is sent to an API for processing.

Step-by-Step Workflow

  1. HTTP Request Trigger:
    • Method: POST
    • URI: (Generated URL)
  2. Compose Action:
    • Input: The large JSON array. For example:
        { "id": 1, "name": "John Doe" },
        { "id": 2, "name": "Jane Smith" },
        { "id": 1000, "name": "Alice Johnson" }
  3. For Each Loop:
    • Iterate through the chunks:
  4. Process Each Chunk:
    • Add an HTTP action to send the chunk to an API:
      • Method: POST
      • URI:
      • Body: @items('For_each')

Testing the Workflow

  1. Save and run the Logic App.
  2. Send a large JSON array to the HTTP Request trigger.
  3. The workflow will:
    • Split the array into chunks of 100 items each.
    • Process each chunk using the API.

Key Points

  • Chunking: Splits large messages into smaller chunks for processing.
  • For Each Loop: Iterates through the chunks.
  • HTTP Action: Sends each chunk to an API.

You can download the logic app template from the estudy247 GitHub repository – la-test-chunking-17

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