BizTalk SFTP WinSCP Session Remote Exception

I configured a dynamic SFTP send port and checked all the configuration properties, but I received the following error when my application tried to deliver my message to the SFTP server.


"A message sent to adapter "SFTP" on send port "_1.0.0.0_Request.orchAResponse_Port_Res_XML_SFTP_fb44164c5bfbcbe5" with URI " " is suspended.
Error details: WinSCP.SessionRemoteException: Connection has been unexpectedly closed. Server sent command exit status 0.
Authentication log (see session log for details):
Using username "".
Access denied.
Authentication failed."


Firstly, ensure that you have assigned all the values for dynamic SFTP port to send a message on the SFTP server, such as username, password, and address.

Event viewer indicates authentication failure – incorrect credentials or insufficient user access to SFTP folder.

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