# Import external assembly and create a new object
[void] [System.reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(“Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM”)
$Catalog = New-Object Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.BtsCatalogExplorer
#BizTalk Config
$Catalog.ConnectionString = “SERVER=JEETU;DATABASE=BizTalkMgmtDb;Integrated Security=SSPI” #connectionstring for the BizTalkMgmtDb
$Hostinst = “” # Define variable for host instances
$OutResultLog = ‘E:\Biztalk\BizTalkLive\BizTalkPowerShellService\StartStopHostInstnace\logStartStopHostInstance.txt’
#$ServerName=”” #Define running server name
#Function to start host instances with filter condition
function StartHostInstance()
$resultToWrite=‘Process has started to start host instance on date : ‘+(Get-Date).ToString()
Add-Content $OutResultLog $resultToWrite
#get all in-process host instances
[ARRAY]$hostInstances = Get-WmiObject MSBTS_HostInstance -namespace “root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer” -Filter “(HostType = 1 )” # and RunningServer = ‘$ServerName’ –If you want to add server in filter co
foreach ($Hosts in $catalog.Hosts )
foreach($Hostinstance in $Hosts ){
$Hostinst = $Hostinstance.Name
foreach($hostinst1 in $hostInstances | WHERE {($_.HostName -eq $Hostinst) -and ($_.HostName -notlike ‘BizTalkLive’)}) {
if ($hostinst1.ServiceState -eq 1) # 1 = host instance is stoped
#Wait for few seconds
Start-Sleep -s 2
$resultToWrite=$resultToWrite+ ‘Started host instance: ‘+$Hostinst+ ‘ at datetime :’+(Get-Date).ToString()
Add-Content $OutResultLog $resultToWrite
catch [Exception]
$resultToWrite=$resultToWrite+ ‘Getting Exception: ‘+ $_.Exception.Message +‘ to Start host instance: ‘+$Hostinst+ ‘ at datetime: ‘+(Get-Date).ToString()+“`r`n”
Add-Content $OutResultLog $resultToWrite
$resultToWrite=$resultToWrite+ ‘Process end to start host instance on datetime: ‘+(Get-Date).ToString() +“`r`n”
Add-Content $OutResultLog $resultToWrite #logged all details in log file
#Function to stop host instances with filter condition
function StopHostInstance()
$resultToWrite=‘Process has started to stop host instance on date : ‘+(Get-Date).ToString()
Add-Content $OutResultLog $resultToWrite
#get all in-process host instances
[ARRAY]$hostInstances = Get-WmiObject MSBTS_HostInstance -namespace “root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer” -Filter “(HostType = 1 )” # and RunningServer = ‘$ServerName’ –If you want to add server in filter co
foreach ($Hosts in $catalog.Hosts )
foreach($Hostinstance in $Hosts ){
$Hostinst = $Hostinstance.Name
foreach($hostinst1 in $hostInstances | WHERE {($_.HostName -eq $Hostinst) -and ($_.HostName -notlike ‘BizTalkLive’)}) {
if ($hostinst1.ServiceState -eq 4) # 4 = host instance is running
#Wait for few seconds
Start-Sleep -s 2
$resultToWrite=$resultToWrite+ ‘Stopped host instance: ‘+$Hostinst+ ‘ at datetime :’+(Get-Date).ToString()
Add-Content $OutResultLog $resultToWrite
catch [Exception]
$resultToWrite=$resultToWrite+ ‘Getting Exception: ‘+ $_.Exception.Message +‘ to Stop host instance: ‘+$Hostinst+ ‘ at datetime: ‘+(Get-Date).ToString()+“`r`n”
Add-Content $OutResultLog $resultToWrite
$resultToWrite=$resultToWrite+ ‘Process end to stop host instance on datetime: ‘+(Get-Date).ToString() +“`r`n”
Add-Content $OutResultLog $resultToWrite #logged all details in log file
#call function to start host instances
#call function to start host instances