Enable All BizTalk Receive Locations Except Filter Condition

Hello everyone, today I am sharing a PowerShell script that allows you to enable all receive locations, but with the option to exclude certain ones that you may not want to enable. To exclude a receive location, simply rename it with a starting word such as “DoNotEnable“. However, it’s important to note that you should keep the renaming simple for better organization.

Before executing the script, please complete the following tasks:
a. Set the server name in ConnectionString.
b. Set the value for ($FilterCondition), which in my case is “DoNotEnable”.
c. Set the path value for $OutResultLog to generate a log text file.

# Import external assembly and create a new object

[void] [System.reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(“Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM”)

$Catalog = New-Object Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.BtsCatalogExplorer


 #BizTalk Config

$Catalog.ConnectionString = “SERVER=.;DATABASE=BizTalkMgmtDb;Integrated Security=SSPI”  #connectionstring for the BizTalkMgmtDb

$rcvLocation = “” # Define variable for receive location

$BizAppName =“”


$resultToWrite =“”

$OutResultLog = ‘D:\ BizTalkPowerShellService\EnableReceiveLocation\logEnableReceiveLocation.txt’


#Function to retrieve the status of the specify receive location

function CheckReceiveLocatonStatusThenEnable(){

$resultToWrite=‘Process has started to enable receive location on date : ‘+(Get-Date).ToString()

Add-Content $OutResultLog $resultToWrite


   foreach ($receivePort in $catalog.ReceivePorts)




       foreach($receiveLoc in $receivePort.ReceiveLocations  | Where {($_.Enable -eq $false)-and ($_.Name -notlike $FilterCondition)})




            $rcvLocation = $receiveLoc.Name

            $BizAppName = $receivePort.Application.Name

            if($receiveLoc.Enable -eq $false)


                #Enable receive location



                #Wait for few seconds

                Start-Sleep -s 5



          catch [Exception]


          $resultToWrite=$resultToWrite‘Getting Exception: ‘$_.Exception.Message +‘ to enable receive location: ‘+$rcvLocation‘ in BizTalk Application: ‘+$BizAppName+‘ at datetime: ‘+(Get-Date).ToString()+“`r`n”

          Add-Content $OutResultLog $resultToWrite





   catch [Exception]


    $resultToWrite=$resultToWrite‘Getting Exception : ‘ +$_.Exception.Message +‘ on receive port loop at datetime: ‘+(Get-Date).ToString()+“`r`n”

    Add-Content $OutResultLog $resultToWrite




$resultToWrite=$resultToWrite‘Process end to enabled receive location on datetime: ‘+(Get-Date).ToString() +“`r`n”

Add-Content $OutResultLog $resultToWrite #logged all details in log file

[void]$Catalog.Refresh() # refresh biztalk console



#Function to enable the receive location

function enableReceiveLocation(){

   $location = get-wmiobject MSBTS_ReceiveLocation -Namespace ‘root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer’ -Filter “name=’${rcvLocation}‘”


   $resultToWrite=$resultToWrite‘Receive location: ‘+$rcvLocation‘ has enabled in BizTalk Application: ‘+$BizAppName+‘ at datetime :’+(Get-Date).ToString()

   Add-Content $OutResultLog $resultToWrite




 #check status of Receive Location


Please keep in mind the following instructions: Use the BizTalk Admin Group user to create a Window Task Scheduler. If the BizTalkMgmtDb database is running under a different user, please define the username and password in the ConnectionString.

Additionally, you can refer to another PowerShell script to enable only one receive location. The script is titled “PowerShell Script to Enable a ReceiveLocation“.

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