BizTalk Two-Way WCF-SQL Solution for Send Port

I want to share with you the eagerly anticipated Two-Way WCF-SQL Two-Way XmlPolling method, which allows you to easily improve your old SQL procedure and BizTalk Map without making any significant changes. I know that there is no content available on any website that explains how to work with XmlPolling in the WCF-SQL two-way adapter. At the end of this post, you can download the complete source code along with an example.
Please follow the steps below carefully:

1. Open Microsoft Visual Studio as an Administrator user. Click on File, then select New and Project. In the Installed Templates section, select BizTalk Projects, then choose Empty BizTalk Server Project. Name the project “BizTalkLive-WCF-SQL” and click OK.

2. Refer to the picture below and create separate folders for Schema, Map, Orchestration, Pipeline, and Binding.
3. Create an Envelope Schema first with Target Namespace – http://BizTalkLive_WCF_SQL.AccountRequest in the Schema folder to retrieve Account request using One Way WCF-SQL XmlPolling.
4. Create a second schema with the same target namespace, elements, and records as the above schema. I assume that you know how to create an envelope schema. Please see the following picture for reference.
5. To create a 3rd schema and obtain a SQL response using Two-Way WCF-SQL adapter, follow the steps below. First, right-click the Schema folder and select Add, then select Add Generated Item. From the Add Generated Items page, click on Add adapter metadata, and double-click on Add adapter metadata. This will open the Add Adapter Wizard. Select SQL adapter from the installed list, and provide the SQL server and BizTalk management database name, then click Next. To set the connection string, click on the Set button on the right side and fill in all the details to connect to the SQL server. After filling in the details, click OK, as shown in the following picture.
6. Before moving on to the next process to complete generating SQL schema, let’s move on to the SQL procedure and create it as shown below.

USE [BizTalkLive]


/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[procGetAccountResponseData]    Script Date: 08-09-2017 17:32:20 ******/





— =============================================

— Author:           <>

— Create date:      <02-Sep-2017>

— Description:      <Get Account Response data from requested accounts>

— =============================================

Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[procGetAccountResponseData]

       @AccountNumber VARCHAR(50),

       @IFSCCode VARCHAR(11)






       SELECT * FROM


       SELECT Id, AccountNumber, IFSCCode, AccountType, AccountStatus, AccountValidity

       FROM tblAccountMaster WITH(NOLOCKWHERE AccountNumber = @AccountNumber AND IFSCCode = @IFSCCode

       ) AccountsResponse

       LEFT JOIN


       SELECT AccountId, NameAddress, PAN, TANUID

       FROM tblAccountHolderMaster WITH(NOLOCK)


       ON AccountsResponse.Id = AHDetails.AccountId




7. Click on the “Next” button and select the target namespace as http://BizTalkLive-SQL.GetAccountResponse. Then, choose the send port type and fill in the request root as “procGetAccountResponseDataRequest” and response root as “procGetAccountResponseDataResponse“. Click on the “Next” button.

8. Select the type of statement as “Stored Procedure” and click on the “Next” button. Now, choose your SQL procedure from the list and click on the “Generate” button. Finally, click on the “Next” button to complete the process. 

9. After completing the above steps, one schema and one orchestration will be created in your solution. You can delete the newly created orchestration. After that, click on your schema and delete the “procGetAccountResponseDataRequest” root from your schema. Keep only one root – “procGetAccountResponseDataResponse“. 

10. To import a SQL data type schema into the newly created schema for getting SQL response, you can download it from the following link: SQLType 

11. Import the SqlType schema into procGetAccountResponseDataResponse schema and change the base data type of elements and attributes to “sqltypes:varchar (SimpleType)”. See the picture below.

12. If you already have an SQL schema and have also created a map for SQL response, then the only changes you need to make are to delete the SQL request root from the schema and import the SQL type schema as suggested in the picture above.

Now, assuming that you have already installed WCF SQL LOB SDK, I will guide you through the process of creating a schema for WCF-SQL request outbound procedure.

13. To do this, first, right-click on the schema folder and select Add > Add Generated Item. From Consume adapter service, double-click it and select sqlBindung. Configure the URI and click the Connect button. Then select the contract type as client (Outbound Operations) and click Procedures, which should be available in the right-side list. Click the Add button to add it to the added categories and operations. Also, check the Generated unique schema type so that all added items are clubbed in one schema. Finally, set the filename prefix as shown in the picture below and click OK.

14. I understand that you have mapped your schema and created orchestration logic to receive an SQL request. After constructing the map, you then sent the SQL request and received the response. You have also created a schema to send it to your destination. The relevant images are provided, and you can download the source code, SQL script, BizTalk binding, and MSI from the last section.

15. I have completed the deployment of the BizTalk application and opened the BizTalk Server Administrator to create all the necessary receive ports, receive locations, and send ports. I have also posted an article that provides step-by-step instructions for creating a one-way WCF-SQL receive location. You can find the article at this link:

16. To create a static solicit-response send port, I right-clicked on the send port of the newly deployed BizTalk application and selected “New.” I filled in the name as “SP_WCFSQL_AccReq,” chose the transport type as “WCF-SQL,” and left the default handler. I also selected the send pipeline as XML Transmit and the receive pipeline as XMLReceive, as shown in the following picture:

17. Click the Configure button and fill in the Endpoint address URI and Soap action header in the General tab, as shown in the image below.

<BtsActionMapping xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
  <Operation Name="procGetAccountResponseData" Action="XmlProcedure/dbo/procGetAccountResponseData" />

Set the value “procGetAccountResponseDataResponse” in XmlStoredProcedureRootNodeName and “http://BizTalkLive-SQL.GetAccountResponse” in XmlStoredProcedureRootNodeNamespace tab of Binding. Both values are taken from SQL response schema root and target namespace value respectively.

Retain the default settings and click OK. Don’t forget to add the default namespace of SQL response schema with the same elements, attributes, and records as shown below.

Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[procGetAccountResponseData]








       ;WITH XMLNAMESPACES(DEFAULT ‘http://BizTalkLive-SQL.GetAccountResponse’)

       SELECT * FROM


       SELECT Id, AccountNumber, IFSCCode, AccountType, AccountStatus, AccountValidity

       FROM tblAccountMaster WITH(NOLOCKWHERE AccountNumber = @AccountNumber AND IFSCCode = @IFSCCode

       ) AccountsResponse

       LEFT JOIN


       SELECT AccountId, NameAddress, PAN, TANUID

       FROM tblAccountHolderMaster WITH(NOLOCK)


       ON AccountsResponse.Id = AHDetails.AccountId



All right, the process has finally been completed, and I’ve found the best way to achieve Two-Way WCF-SQL XmlPolling and develop a new BizTalk application. It is also the best way to convert old SQL Two-Way request-response without any change in your SQL response mapping.

If you want to better understand how to achieve one way WCF-SQL XmlPolling in Receive location, please click on this link:

Download all the source code, including SQL scripts, BizTalk application binding, and MSI.

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